Privacy Policy
Updated: 2022.04.27
1. Name and contact details of the data controller
The data controller of the BorderWatcher/BorderWatcher Plus application you downloaded (hereinafter: the application): Tamás Szabó (hereinafter: the Data Controller)Mailing address of the data controller: 6728, Szeged Tarnóci u. 19/3.
The e-mail address of the data controller is:
Telephone number of the data controller: + 36 (30) 948 0749
2. The purpose of the data collected during the use of the application, the legal basis, the scope of the processed data and the duration of the data processing.
2.1. Purpose of data management
The application gives users the opportunity to make it easier for border crossers to report on which border crossing point is currently under load. This report (post) can consist of a predefined waiting time, additional data that can be entered (eg number of cars, gps coordinates at the end of the line, current gps position, text information) and an image, video.The app requires you to enter a gmail address or Facebook profile or Apple Id when signing in, which is considered personal information. The app will initially take over the name and profile picture set in your Google Account or from Facebook, Apple profile. The purpose of this is to protect the proper operation of the application, to prevent the provision of false data, which entails a ban from the application.
It is possible to set the anonymous mode, in which case the profile picture and name will not be visible in the user reports.
Anonymous, aggregated data from the use of the application will be used by the Data Controller to further develop the application.
The Data Controller handles this data confidentially, in full compliance with the relevant legislation and only for the purpose of providing the given service and the proper operation of the application..
2.2. Legal basis of data processing
The consent of the subject - according to Point (1) a.) of Section 5 of Act CXII of 2011 on the Right of Informational Self-Determination and on Freedom of Information -, as well as Point (3) of Section 13/A of Act CVIII of 2001 on Electronic Commerce and on Information Society Services. The Data Controller processes data according to present Privacy Policy and complying completely with the provisions of Act CXII of 2011 on the Right of Informational Self-Determination and on Freedom of Information and Act CVIII of 2001 on Electronic Commerce and on Information Society Services. he Data Controller is committed to protect the User’s personal data and considers it highly important to respect the Right of Informational Self-Determination of the User. The Data Controller keeps personal data confidential. Downloading and using the application is entirely voluntary. The User accepts responsibility for having downloaded the application voluntarily and having been provided beforehand with all corresponding information. The User accepts that all irrelevant data provided may be deleted by the Data Controller. The User accepts that all not applicable (eg. obscene ) feedback may be deleted by the Data Controller. The reports (posts) and their content are the sole responsibility of the User, that is, the User providing the data is the only person liable for its accuracy. Based on the previous point, the Data Controller cannot be held responsible for any false information provided by the User. The Data Controller may not be held liable in case of mistranslations.2.3. Scope of managed data
- Personal Email Address
- Name from Google account
- Profile picture from Google account
- Name from Facebook account
- Profile picture from Facebook account
- Name from Apple Id
- Uploaded photo for Apple Id Logging in to the application is only possible with a personal email (gmail) address or Facebook profile or Apple profile.
- Images,Videos uploaded by users, gps coordinates
- The anonymous data of the User's mobile device, which are generated during the use of the service and which are recorded by the Data Management System as an automatic result of the technical processes.